Original's Blogs

Find out what we love about vegan life and chocolate with us at Catherine's Originals


August is flying past faster than any month or year, potentially because we have our first of many pallet orders going out to new wholesalers, which inevitably means much more...

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New Products, New Months & New Homes 🏡

Hey everyone, I’m feeling the need to share something more personal with you this month. I am using this blog as a way for me to process everything that June...

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I Feel It's All Been Building Up to This...

I can't believe I'm finally writing this—after nine months of hard work, anticipation, and a whole lot of chocolate, we’ve finally received a big, beautiful YES! Last November, I started...

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Summer In The Air 👒

Hey Wonderful Readers! What a whirlwind of a month it’s been! Business really knows how to keep you on your toes. One day, I’m pulling my hair out over an...

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Mid May Madness 🤪

What happens to a chocolate business going into summer?

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His Royal Highness

"This is our shot!" I explained to Will. We worked together to write our scroll and were able to present it to HRH.

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Hey! Time for a quick recap as we transition from April into May. Can you believe we've already zoomed through one-third of the year? In another 4 months, I will...

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Bring on 2024🍫

✨ Catherine's Originals hit the festive jackpot ✨ and boy, did we sell out faster than Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve! Our online sales soared, at one point seeing 78...

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